Vodafone New Zealand has joined the Digital Boost Alliance Aotearoa, furthering their commitment to helping SME’s grow using digital solutions. The Digital Boost Alliance is a group of NZ’s top tech organisations, focused on motivating and inspiring small businesses and individuals across Aotearoa to lift their use of digital technologies.
The Digital Boost Alliance was launched at an event in Auckland by Hon Stuart Nash, Minister for Small Business, Economic and Regional Development, and Tourism on Tuesday 25 May. The Alliance is made up of more than 30 major businesses and organisations – committed to help grow the use of digital technologies across New Zealand.
Vodafone will introduce Digital Boost Alliance members to better, digital ways to do business with their products and solutions, such as its Vodafone One Business Mobile product, which offers smart calling features on mobile turning almost anywhere into an office. Vodafone One Business gives business owners all the calling features of an office phone system, as well as a landline number on their mobile.
Annaliese Atina, Head of Small and Medium Enterprise, Vodafone NZ says “SME’s are the backbone of New Zealand business, and are facing unprecedented hardship and challenges due to COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns and restrictions. At Vodafone, we want to do everything we can to support them, and I’m delighted to join the Digital Boost Alliance as part of this commitment.”
“We believe that the digital tools and services Vodafone offers can help kiwi business owners work from anywhere, helping make them more efficient, and giving them time back in the day to focus on their customers”.
Vodafone recently ran a highly successful campaign to put its money back in SME’s pockets with its #payitforward campaign – giving each staff member $100 to gift to a local small business, letting them pay it forward to their customers to help stimulate trade.
For more information on the Digital Boost Alliance visit https://digitalboostalliance.nz/commitments/vodafone-nz-business
For more information on Vodafone One Business Mobile visit https://www.vodafone.co.nz/vodafone-one-business/#mobile