TCF unveils ‘good news’ industry status report
Media Industry

TCF unveils ‘good news’ industry status report

MEDIA RELEASE - The TCF has today released a report summarising the status of the telecommunications sector in New Zealand.

Entitled ‘Telecommunications – Enabling New Zealand’s future’, the report outlines how the sector is performing compared with its OECD peers; its contribution towards New Zealand’s development; and insights into what the future may hold.

TCF CEO Geoff Thorn presented the key findings, followed by a panel discussion featuring the industry’s leading CEOs, at a launch event in Auckland this morning.

The report identified the sector is performing well above its international competitors in many ways:

Investment in the sector is currently $1.7billion per annum, the second highest out of all OECD countries.

New Zealand is showing the fastest fibre uptake in the world, with a 250 percent increase in total fibre connections in 2014, and has one of the fastest 4G mobile download speeds globally.

Prices for mobile services fell significantly between 2012 and 2014, with New Zealanders experiencing the second largest price decline on average across the OECD - a 46 percent reduction during that period.

The report also concluded the ICT sector is considered one of the most innovative in New Zealand, and provides a range of services that are increasingly competitive on both price and quality compared to other countries.

Thorn says the report provides great endorsement for the industry – and a chance to explain the bigger picture. “There’s been phenomenal change in the last few years. As consumers, we expect fast, ubiquitous connectivity to get on with our digitally-connected lives, the same way we expect running water and power.

“This report shows the sector is doing a stellar job dealing with enormous and increasing user demand while marching towards the government’s ambitious targets for Ultra-Fast Broadband and the Rural Broadband Initiative.

He continues: “As these initiatives progress steadily, it’s the right time to address any misconceptions about the industry. The reality is we now have a superior telecommunication infrastructure performing far beyond many of our OECD competitors. This asset is lifting our living standards, driving change and enhancing our economy.

“Unprecedented levels of industry investment, collaboration and innovation are genuinely making a difference to our country – something we should all be proud of,” says Thorn. “In true Kiwi spirit, we are punching well above our weight in what is arguably one of the most important services of the future.”

Twitter: TCFNZ #TelcoEnablingNZ

A copy of the full industry report featuring data sources and references is available by contacting the TCF.

Data sourced from Statistics New Zealand, OECD Digital Economy, Akamai’s State of the Internet, Commerce Commission, Ministry of Business Innovation and others.

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