Vodafone welcomes reforms to speed up UFB rollout
Media Technology

Vodafone welcomes reforms to speed up UFB rollout

MEDIA RELEASE - Vodafone welcomes new regulations announced by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to streamline our customers’ experience connecting to ultra-fast broadband (UFB).

Vodafone Consumer Director, Matt Williams said, "Kiwis love broadband and are increasingly using it as a key enabler of their connected homes. With this, more and more New Zealanders are shifting to fibre, making us the fastest country in the OECD in terms of fibre uptake.

“Some of our customers have told us how frustrating it is to get connected to fibre due to access on shared driveways or cross-leases. Previously they would need to carry out an extensive consent process to install fibre into their home.

“It is pleasing to see the government, industry and public working together to simplify this process, so more kiwis can benefit from New Zealand’s UFB investment”.

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