The Kiwi social sports app taking on the world Play
Media Innovation

The Kiwi social sports app taking on the world

Hookdshot Founder and former Football Fern Rebecca Sowden is on the verge of a success that’s just as sweet as any of the goals scored representing New Zealand at an international level.

Her Hookdshot app is expected to launch shortly, enabling fans to share live sports moments with their friends, and sports right’s holders to access new revenue streams to support their codes.

“Being a New Zealand woman soccer player in a minority sport, in a country that’s rugby loving, you’re always looking to get as much coverage as you can.

“When I was watching the Football World Cup, I noticed all my friends were taking out their phones, filming the action, sharing it on Facebook, so I thought people want to share these moments, why not get the value back for these sports organisations, and solve a problem for both of them,” Rebecca said.

Rebecca believes her app could be a game changer.

“If you’re watching sport live, it’s as easy as one click to capture that last 15 seconds, one more tap to share it on social networks. So in terms of connecting friends, in real time live around sport, hopefully they’ll feel more connected,” Rebecca said.

The early days of working on her clever idea were tough. She lacked the backing and support to test the technology, and life as a start-up can be a lonely one.

“It’s very isolating, it’s a major rollercoaster. Particularly as a female we don’t back ourselves enough, and with everything in start-up world it is scary you’re never quite sure, but you’re just trying to trust your instincts and give everything a go,” Rebecca revealed.

Rebecca applied last July to take part in the 2016 Vodafone xone, and was one of ten start-ups selected out of more than 170 applicants from around New Zealand.

Vodafone xone is a start-up accelerator and innovation lab offering selected companies a total package valued at more than $150,000, including $25,000 in seed-funding, and access to world class technology and mentoring as part of a six-month programme.

Head of Vodafone xone Nicole Buisson said Hookdshot stood out.

“With advances in technology our lives are getting faster and faster and tied to that we find that our attention spans are getting shorter, this is particularly true for millennials.

“Hookdshot has a fantastic product that allows people to capture 15 seconds of content that they last watched and share it on social media so it’s essentially snackable moments that don’t require a long attention span to consume,” Nicole said.

“It’s just so nice to have that support network and feel part of something bigger, so that has been massive, to have that kind of community. A cash injection meant I could take it from an early stage idea to development – without Vodafone xone we’d probably be another 6 months to a year off release, so in terms of speeding up that process it’s just been phenomenal,” Rebecca added.

Applications are now open for 10 new Kiwi start-ups and established entrepreneurs to be part of Vodafone xone 2017.

“I think the biggest memory I’ve got from xone is meeting other like-minded individuals who are so passionate about what they were doing, and it’s amazing how much you thrive on that energy.

“Vodafone xone gives you that community. I’ve learnt more in the last year than I have in the past 12 years of my career, so it’s an exciting journey,” Rebecca said.

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